Expert Directory

  • All
  • Community Supervision - Probation and Parole
  • Correctional Alternatives - Alternatives to incarceration and diversion and deflection etc
  • Corrections - Prisons and Jails
  • Courts and Case Processing or Dispositions
  • Crime Prevention
  • Criminal Behavior
  • Criminal Justice Reform - Law and Legislation
  • Criminal Justice Technology
  • Criminological Theory
  • Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence
  • Gender and Crime and Justice
  • Gun Violence
  • Health and Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
  • Homeland Security and Terrorism
  • International and Comparative
  • Policing Policies and Practices
  • Race and Ethnicity and Issues of Diversity and Equity and Inclusion
  • Reentry and Reintegration
  • Restorative and Community Justice
  • Victimization
  • Violent Crime
  • White Collar and Financial Crime
  • Youth Justice

Addington, Lynn

• Criminal victimization
• Victimization data
• Violent victimization
• Victim services

Albanese, Jay

• Organized crime
• White-collar crime
• Gambling and crime
• Transnational crime
• Professional ethics
• Human trafficking

Armstrong, Gaylene

• Community corrections
• Institutional corrections
• Program evaluation
• Policy evaluation
• Sex offenders
• Juvenile and female offenders

Ashford, José

• Recidivism prevention
• Treatment of offenders
• Life sentences
• Juvenile justice
• Mental health
• Forensic psychiatry

Baker, Thomas

• Correctional populations
• Perceptions of crime
• Criminal offending
• Incarceration

Barberet, Rosemary

• International criminal justice
• Gender and crime
• Violence against women
• Business and crime
• Youth crime
• Crime indicators

Belenko, Steven

• Substance abuse treatment
• HIV risk behaviors
• Public health and criminal justice
• Implementation science
• Diversion programs
• Drug policy

Bennett, Richard

• Comparative criminology
• Comparative criminal justice
• Police organization
• Procedure

Bohmert, Miriam Northcutt

• Restorative justice
• Social justice
• Gender
• Community supervision
• Prisons
• Sexual assault

Boyd, Lorenzo

• Urban policing
• Criminal justice systems
• Race and crime

Burgess-Proctor, Amanda

• Feminist criminology
• Gender-based violence
• Intimate partner abuse
• Sexual assault
• Crime control policy
• Drug control policy

Carter, David

• Law enforcement intelligence
• Homicide investigations
• Violent crime
• Counterterrorism

Chen, Elsa

• Mandatory minimum sentencing
• Sentencing reform
• Race and ethnicity
• Prisoner reentry

Clear, Todd

• Corrections
• Incarceration policy
• Education in prison
• Community justice
• Correctional classification
• Intermediate sanctions

Cleary, Hayley

• Juvenile justice
• Police interrogation of juveniles
• Juvenile justice policy
• Adolescent development

Cobbina-Dungy, Jennifer

• Corrections
• Prisoner reentry
• Race and justice
• Public response to police violence

Cook, Phillip

• Alcohol and violence
• Economics of crime
• Cost of gun availability
• Consequences of gun availability

Cordner, Gary

• Police administration
• Community policing
• Problem-oriented policing
• Police higher education
• Police planning
• Police research

Decker, Scott

• Gangs
• Criminal justice policy
• Offender’s perspective
• Violence
• Youth crime
• Crime control

Dugan, Laura

• Efficacy of violence
• Terrorism
• Prevention policy
• Intervention practice
• Victimization
• Gender and crime

Dunn, Ronnie

• Racial profiling
• Urban sociology
• Urban studies
• Health disparities
• Biased policing
• Race and crime
• Police accountability and oversight

Durfee, Alesha

• Domestic violence
• Intimate partner violence
• Mandatory arrest
• Protection orders

Elam, Paul

• Gun Violence
• Juvenile justice
• Disproportionate minorities
• Racial, ethnic discrimination
• Prisoner reentry
• Dual ward youth

Eren, Colleen

• White-Collar crime
• Crime and media
• Critical criminology
• Qualitative methods
• Social movements

Fontaine, Jocelyn

• Community-based crime reduction
• Prisoner reentry
• Vulnerable populations
• Research methodologies

Fox, Andrew

• Social network analysis
• Crime prevention
• Street gangs
• Communities

Fox, Bryanna

• Forensic psychology
• Violent offenders
• Crime prevention
• Evidence-based policing

Fox, Kate

• Crime victimization
• Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples

Gabbidon, Shaun

•. Race and crime
• Ethnicity
• Public opinion
• Diversity issues
• Private security
• Security administration

Gau, Jacinta

• Police Policy
• Police Use of Force
• Race and Policing
• Criminal Justice Policy

Guadalupe-Diaz, Xavier

• Intimate relationships
• Sociological criminology
• Victimology
• Gender and sexuality
• Queer criminology

Haberfeld, Maria

• Law enforcement
• Terrorism
• White-collar crime
• Police integrity
• Police training
• Police ethics

Hairston, Creasie Finney

• Social welfare polices
• Families and the criminal justice system

Henderson, Howard

• Predictive bias and validity
• Prosecutor decision-making
• Justice system disparities
• Criminal justice policy and evaluation

Hipple, Natalie

• Police problem-solving
• Nonfatal shootings
• Police responses to homelessness

Huebner, Beth

• Prisoner reentry
• Gangs
• Monetary sanctions
• Sex offenders
• Incarcerated women
• Jails
• Program evaluation

Fox, James Alan

• Serial and mass murder
• Violent crime
• School and campus violence
• Capital punishment
• Juvenile justice
• Gun violence

James, Lois

• Impact of fatigue
• Sleep and circadian rhythms
• Implicit bias
• Simulation research

Jenness, Valerie

• Prostitution
• Hate crime
• Prisons
• Prison violence
• Transgender prisoners
• Corrections

Jones-Brown, Delores

• Police-community relations
• Stop and frisk
• Race and justice
• Prosecution
• Policing alternatives
• Race and police use of force
• Law and adolescent males

Kennedy, David

• Criminology
• Gang violence
• Focused deterrence
• Problem-oriented policing
• Community policing
• Drug markets
• Domestic violence

Kerrison, Erin

• Black Feminist Praxis
• Data science for social good
• Carceral abolition and safety for all
• Legal epidemiology
• Health and healthcare inequity
• U.S. criminal legal system
• Violence intervention

Kim, Bitna

• Asian criminal justice
• International crime
• Partnerships in criminal justice
• Domestic homicide
• Meta-analysis

Kleck, Gary

• Effects of punishment
• Deterrence
• Gun control
• Victim resistance to crime
• Crime prevention

Klinger, David

• Modern police
• Arrest practices
• Deadly force
• Terrorism
• Community policing

Kochel, Tammy Rinehart

• Procedural justice
• Community policing
• Policing strategies
• Police legitimacy
• Race and policing

Kubrin, Charis

• Crime trends
• Immigration and crime
• Media, culture and crime
• Criminal justice reform

Kupchik, Aaron

• School safety and policing
• School punishment
• Correctional facilities
• Juvenile delinquency
• Sociology of childhood

Kurlychek, Megan

• Sentencing
• Juvenile justice
• Offender rehabilitation
• Collateral consequences of crime

La Vigne, Nancy

• Criminal justice evaluation
• Prisoner reentry
• Crime prevention
• Crime and criminal behavior

LaFree, Gary

• Causes of terrorism
• Consequences of terrorism
• Predictors of violence
• Official statistics

Lageson, Sarah Esther

• Criminal records
• Background checks
• Ban the Box
• Revenge pornography
• Internet privacy and transparency

Lane, Jodi

• Fear of crime
• Perceived risk
• Crime policy
• Corrections
• Juvenile justice
• Drug Courts

Levin, Brian

• Hate crime
• Criminal law
• National security
• Terrorism
• Extremism
• Constitutional law

Lovell, Rachel

• Gender-based violence
• Sexual assault
• Sexual assault kits
• Sex trafficking
• Intimate partner violence

Lum, Cynthia

• Policing
• Security
• Criminal justice evaluation
• Criminology
• Criminal justice reform
• Terrorism

Lynch, Shannon

• Incarcerated women
• Mental health
• Treatment evaluation
• Violence against women
• Survivors’ trauma recovery
• Prisoner reentry

Herold, Tamara

• Crowd dynamics
• Crowd management
• Place management
• Crime prevention

Maguire, Edward

• Police organizations
• Violent crime
• Organization theory
• International violence
• Prevention and deterrence of crime
• Community policing
• Social science research methods

Maimon, David

• Cyber crimes
• Malware and ransomware
• Online fraud and theft
• Cyber espionage
• Cyber terrorism
• Child pornography
• Online guardians

Marganski, Alison

• Gender and violence
• Intimate partner violence
• Cyber-stalking
• Victimization
• Online harassment
• Victim support services

Mears, Daniel

• Juvenile policy
• Supermax prisons
• Mental health
• Religion
• Inmate visitation
• Mass shooting tragedies

Mellow, Jeff

• Jails
• Program evaluation
• Incarceration
• Prisoner reentry

Merlo, Alida

• Juvenile justice policy
• Criminal justice policy
• Corrections
• Women and the law

Messinger, Adam

• LGBTQ intimate partner violence
• Violence against women
• Youth bullying
• Child abuse

Messner, Steven

• Social institutions and crime
• Patterns of crime
• Crime in China
• Homicide

Mitchell, Ojmarrah

• Race and crime
• Racial profiling
• Sentencing and corrections
• Drugs and crime
• Drug control policy
• Criminal justice reform

Myers, David

• Juvenile justice
• Delinquency
• Criminal justice policy
• Planning and evaluation

Nellis, Ashley

• Life and long term imprisonment
• Parole
• Second look sentencing
• Criminal legal reform
• Racial and ethnic disparities
• Youth justice

Nix, Justin

• Police legitimacy
• Procedural justice
• Police use of force

Oleson, James

• Psychological criminology
• Crime and pop culture
• Criminogenic risk
• Criminal justice reform

Paoline, Eugene

• Police culture
• Police socialization
• Police use of force
• Police education

Peck, Jennifer

• Racial and ethnic disparities
• Juvenile justice system
• Juvenile justice courts
• Juvenile justice reform
• Disproportionate minority contact
• Vulnerable populations

Piquero, Alex

• Criminal behavior
• Crime policy
• Criminal careers
• Criminological theory
• Crime trends

Piza, Eric

• Spatial analysis
• Crime control technology
• Evidence-based policing
• Program evaluation

Pizarro, Jesenia

• Firearm related harms
• Violence prevention
• Homicide
• Violent crime
• Corrections policy

Potter, Hillary

• Violence against girls and women
• Race, gender and class

Powers, Ráchael

•Violent victimization
•Gender-based violence
•Hate crime
•Bystander behavior

Rabe-Hemp, Cara

• Diversity in policing
• Women in policing
• Police misconduct
• Perceptions of police

Roman, John

• Cost-benefit analysis
• Death penalty
• Economics of crime
• Crime control policies

Rudes, Danielle

• Community corrections
• Probation and parole
• Prisons
• Prisoner reentry
• Problem-solving courts
• Street-level workers

Rydberg, Jason

• Sex offender policy
• Research design
• Methodological issues
• Prisoner reentry
• Program evaluation
• Community supervision

Salisbury, Emily J.

• Women offenders
• Gender-responsive policy
• Evidence-based corrections
• Offender risk assessment
• Correctional rehabilitation
• Sex trafficking

Schafer, Joseph

• Police organizations
• Future of policing
• Citizen perceptions of police
• Police leadership

Sharp, Susan

• Women and incarceration
• Death penalty
• Penal policies
• Gender and crime
• Failure to protect laws

Slate, Risdon

• Stress on justice practitioners
• Mental health
• Criminal justice system

Smith, Michael

• Crime, law and public policy
• Law enforcement agencies
• Racial profiling
• Traffic stops

Socia, Kelly

• Public perceptions of crime
• Criminal justice policies
• Criminal behavior
• Sex offenders

Spohn, Cassia

• Prosecution
• Race, ethnicity and gender
• Sexual assault
• Drug offenders
• Criminal records

Stafford, Mark

• Criminological theory
• Juvenile delinquency
• Sex offending
• Juvenile justice

Sundt, Jody

• Criminal Justice Policy
• Corrections
• Prisons and Jails
• Sentencing Reform
• Criminal Justice Education

Tamborra, Tracy

• Domestic violence
• Sexual assault
• Race, class and gender
• Criminal justice system

Tartaro, Christine

• Suicide in correctional facilities
• Jail design
• Reentry
• Correctional treatment
• Mental illness
• Criminal justice education

Taxman, Faye

• Health services
• Correctional programs
• Probation and parole supervision

Terrill, William

• Policing
• Police Use of Force
• Police Culture

Travis, Jeremy

• Prisoner education
• Correctional health
• Community policing
• Criminal justice reform
• Impact of incarceration on families

Visher, Christy

• Communities and crime
• Prisoner reentry
• Crime prevention strategies
• Incapacitation
• Drug testing
• Substance abuse

Wakefield, Sara

• Mass imprisonment
• Racial inequality
• Conditions of confinement
• Prisoner reentry
• Criminal justice system
• Child well-being
• Child protective services

Webster, Daniel

• State firearm and alcohol policies
• Policing strategies
• Street outreach
• Youth gun acquisition
• Gun violence
• Intimate partner violence

Weisburd, David

• Crime Concentrations
• Police innovation
• Hot spots Policing
• Experimental criminology
• Research Design

Welch, Kelly

• Racial stereotypes
• Ethnic stereotypes
• Criminal profiling
• School punishment
• School-to-prison pipeline
• Public punitiveness

Wildeman, Christopher

• Mass imprisonment for inequality
• Impact of imprisonment on families
• Child welfare
• Child maltreatment
• Foster care system

Wilson, Frank T.

• Media depictions of crime
• Mass incarceration
• Prison history
• Public perceptions
• Death penalty
• Criminal justice policies

Wood, Peter

• Correctional policy and practice
• Offender decision-making
• Habitual offending
• Race and ethnicity
• Urban and community sociology
• Mental health

Worrall, John L.

• Policing and courts
• Legal issues
• Crime control policy
• Prosecution
• Courts
• Panel data modeling

Young, Katheryne

• Criminal procedure
• Jury selection
• Trial evidence
• Race, gender and class
• Police-citizen interactions

Zalman, Marvin

• Wrongful conviction
• Constitutional criminal procedure
• Law
• Courts

Zeoli, April M.

• Intimate partner violence
• Homicide
• State firearm policies
• Policy analysis
• Extreme risk protection orders