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4/26/19-NeuroscieneNews “These results provide preliminary evidence that acquired neuropsychological deficits, and head injuries more directly, result in prolonged periods of criminal persistence,” Joseph Schwartz, CJRA Expert.

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Researchers have sought to identify the factors that promote or contribute to criminal persistence—that is, the likelihood that offenders will continue to offend. A new longitudinal study looked at the impact on criminal persistence of head injuries, which have been linked to increased levels of offending, among adolescents and early adults. It found that changes […]

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4/25/19-USA Today “It’s a decline in the use of incarceration as punishment, but whether that’s a decline in total punishment is not at all clear,’’ Daniel Mears, CJRA Expert.

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4/12/19-Baltimore Sun “Trafficking cases may require prolonged surveillance and source development to prove that there was force, fraud or coercion. Other investigators could stop short and charge offenders with crimes that require fewer elements of proof, such as running a prostitution business,’’ Jay Albanese, CJRA Expert.

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4/2/19-The Washington Times “Police body cameras have proliferated in recent years. In 2013, the Department of Justice surveyed 500 police departments and found that less than 25% used the devices,” Cynthia Lum, CJRA Expert.

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3/27/19-VOX “Expectations and concerns surrounding body-worn cameras among police leaders and citizens have not yet been realized by and large in the ways anticipated by each,” Cynthia Lum, CJRA Expert.

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3/27/ “[Body-worn cameras, they have not had ] statistically significant or consistent effects on most measures of officer and citizen behavior or citizens’ views of police,” Cynthia Lum, CJRA Expert.

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3/26/ “We do not know with great certainty whether cameras can save lives or reduce injuries. Studies examining the impact of Body-worn cameras on officer use of force are equivocal; some studies indicate cameras might be able to reduce use of force while other studies show little effect of cameras on use of force. In […]

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3/25/19-The Crime Report “Expectations and concerns surrounding body-worn cameras among police leaders and citizens have not yet been realized by and large in the ways anticipated by each,” Cynthia Lum, CJRA Expert.

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