Tracy Tamborra

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, University of New Haven

Areas of Expertise

  • Domestic violence
  • Sexual assault
  • Criminal justice system

Key Findings

  • Perpetrators of sexual coercion use multiple tactics and strategies to obtain sex. MORE
  • MSCQ can help understand nuances of tactics under which coercive sex occurs. MORE
  • Twenty-six percent of survey respondents indicated they had experienced a non-consensual experience; this group was 63% female. MORE
  • Eighty-two percent of the respondents that had a non-consensual experience, reported it occurred on campus. MORE
  • Across scenarios, the majority women (26.8%,), agreed or agreed strongly that the sexual encounter was rape. MORE
  • The majority women (47.6%) agreed or strongly agreed that the perpetrator used VCS but it was not a crime. MORE


Tracy Tamborra, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of New Haven, is an expert in domestic violence, sexual assault and minorities in the criminal justice system.

Tamborra worked with victims of child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence and served as the Director of Domestic Violence Services at a nonprofit in Jersey City. She has delivered professional workshops and facilitated trainings for government agencies, prosecutor’s offices, police departments and other organizations. She serves on the Executive Committee of the American Society of the Joint Center on Violence and Victim Studies.

She has been published in numerous academic journals including the International Review of Victimology, Feminist Criminology and Crime Prevention and Community Safety.

Tamborra received her Ph.D. from the City University of New York and M.S. and B.S. from the University of New Haven.