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4/22/24 – Criminal legal system contact has emerged as a key event for understanding family life, childhood well-being, and patterns of inequality. Scholars have found many problems for families that are linked to mass criminalization and effects tend to be concentrated among the most marginalized segments of society. But few studies have considered the […]

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4/21/24 – Homicides are falling across the U.S. And that shift could impact the role crime — often a top voter concern — plays as an issue in November’s election.

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4/12/24 – Supporters of policy rollbacks say police pursuits can reduce crime; some experts aren’t so sure.

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3/10/24 – Gov. Tony Evers requested federal investigation after Waupun prison sweeps found illegal contraband

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3/7/24 – Some changes were rolled back after complaints that police are too restricted. Officials say other changes amount to fine-tuning.

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Team Members Highlight Need for Continued Funding, Desire to Expand Program A new study by researchers at the University of Massachusetts (UMass) Lowell, San Diego State University, and Penn State Harrisburg, examined perceptions of team members who work with a U.S. program called Veterans Treatment Courts (VTCs) regarding the viability and longevity of the program. […]

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2/26/24 – In recent decades, calls for evidence-based policy in crime and criminal justice have become commonplace. But there is a disconnect between those calls and an understanding of what evidence-based policy encompasses. A new book showcases much of what is accurate with evidence-based crime and justice policy and confronts the challenges that such […]

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2/24/24 – A new study by researchers at the University of Massachusetts (UMass) Lowell, San Diego State University, and Penn State Harrisburg has examined perceptions of team members who work with a U.S. program called Veterans Treatment Courts (VTCs) regarding the viability and longevity of the program. The study identified team members’ expectations and […]

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