
Denver Post “To their credit, [Denver PD is] adjusting to shifting public opinion on police use of force,” Joseph Schafer, CJRA Expert Read the full story here.

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The Washington Post “If we climb into the mind-set of police officers who are going to keep doing this job, if they are policing from a defensive stance, then it changes the nature of police and citizen encounters and not in a positive way,” Cara Rabe-Hemp, CJRA Expert Read the full story here.

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The New Yorker “The report that describes children locked up for relatively minor infractions and saddled with thousands of dollars of debt for basic court and incarceration costs,” Alex Piquero, CJRA Expert Read the full story here.

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San Diego Union-Tribune “Numbers alone don’t provide a complete picture of why people are stopped and searched,” Robert Taylor, CJRA Expert Read the full story here.

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Baltimore Sun “Oftentimes, police just look at [rape kit] evidence as value to one case, but it can help in others.” Rachel Lovell, CJRA Expert Read the full story here.

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Civil Beat “Usually they are academics who don’t really understand HOPE or the probation system itself and how the current system is failing many people. They tend to think any jail time is harsh. What they fail to see is that many probationers are currently failing at probation-as-usual and going to prison for years. That […]

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The Post and Courier “A defense attorney just has to paint the situation as the officer saw it,” Cara Rabe-Hemp, CJRA Expert Read the full story here.

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The Washington Post “That branding is really counterproductive. It suggests citizen intervention, and you’re thinking about Trayvon Martin. It’s pretty disturbing,” Nancy La Vigne, CJRA Expert Read the full story here.

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