April M. Zeoli

Associate Professor, Health Management & Policy, University of Michigan

Areas of Expertise

  • Intimate partner violence
  • Homicide
  • State firearm policies
  • Policy analysis
  • Extreme risk protection orders

Key Findings

  • When violent individuals have access to firearms, the risk of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), increases in severity and deadliness, although the increases in severity may also be attributed to extraneous variables. MORE
  • Policies that reduce firearm access to individuals with domestic violence restraining orders reduced IPV severity but only when enforced appropriately. MORE
  • Of all homicides in Newark, New Jersey, 70.36% of homicides were committed with firearms. MORE
  • Firearms were most likely to be used in gang related, drug-motivated, and revenge homicides. MORE
  • Homicide clusters were present before clusters of firearm-related homicides, indicating sources other than firearms caused homicide to diffuse in Newark, New Jersey. MORE
  • Homicide clusters related to gang activity appeared in different wards, but the data didn’t indicate whether the gangs moved into or evolved out of those wards. MORE


April Zeoli, Associate Professor in the Health Management & Policy at the University of Michigan, is an expert in intimate partner violence, homicide, state firearm policies, policy analysis and extreme risk protection orders. 

Zeoli is the primary investigator on multiple studies analyzing the outcomes and implementation of laws that restrict firearm access from individuals deemed to be at high risk for violence, for example extreme risk protection orders and domestic violence restraining orders. 

She has been published in numerous academic journals, including JAMA, the American Journal of Public Health, Criminology & Public Policy, and the Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 

Zeoli received her PhD in Health and Public Policy from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, MPH in Health Management and Policy from the University of Michigan School of Public Health, and BA in Women’s Studies from the University of Michigan.